Signature Presentations
Do you find yourself longing for more and wanting something different or better, only to feel trapped by the experience of living that is everyday life? Have you found yourself thinking--“If only things were different, I would…”--more often than not? If this is your reality, then this provides you with a simple, straight-forward guide to changing your mindset; shifting your systems; transforming your perceptions and changing your reality to create the life you were destined to live. Key Takeaways
Keisha A. Rivers Shorty presents "The Art of Living Boldly"
at the Mother-Daughter Brunch for 200 attendees. May 3, 2014 RELEASED & READY: RECONNECT, REFUEL & RELEASE
Far too often as women we tend to spend all of our time and energy taking care of others--usually at the expense of ourselves. This session presents tips, strategies and action steps to enable you to Reconnect to parts of you that you may have lost; Refuel your spirit, passion and zest for life; and Release those things that hold you back from becoming all that you can and are destined to be. This isn't a motivational talk, but an interactive, hands-on session designed to make you ask hard questions, laugh at yourself a bit and leave with tangible action plans and next steps. Key Takeaways
CULTIVATING YOUR G.T.A.--GIFTS, TALENTS & ABILITIES You're born with some. You are taught others. You can acquire the rest. So many people don't know their G.T.A., let along how to tap into it, develop it and use it to be successful and fulfilled. Talk focuses on: identifying & aligning your G.T.A. with your purpose; developing strategies to use your G.T.A.; and using your G.T.A. to enhance personal and professional development. Key Takeaways
THROUGH THE LOOKING GLASS: REFLECTIVE PROCESS; REFLECTIVE PRACTICE Develop an understanding of the relationship between "why" you do what you do and what impact that has on the "what" and "how". You must learn from the past to change the future. Talk focuses on review (where you are and how you got here); refocus (asking the right questions) and renew (where do you go from here to create a new reality). Key Takeaways
Click here to download one-sheet. Publicity Photos
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