The Released & Ready Personal & Professional Development Series
How do you create a better life?
Making a commitment to yourself is the first step. Following through and making a decision is the next. Honoring that decision by taking action is the third. No one can do this for you. You must do this for yourself. Many Paths Along The Journey...The Released & Ready Personal & Professional Development Series is designed to help you embrace you and release yourself to BE you. We work with you during the journey to help you get to your new state of being.
There are a few different ways to participate in the Released & Ready Series: (click each title for details)
During the Series, you are linked with a cohort of fellow travelers who are also embarking upon the journey of releasing themselves. Depending on which method you choose, you may receive regular email newsletters, texts and access to video chats, exclusive online meetups, and weekly or bi-weekly “Release Sessions” via phone where you can talk about your journey; share with others and make valuable connections. At regular intervals during each Series there is a new focusing theme to help shape and guide your journey. You’ll have the books from the Release Yourself Series of The KARS Paperback Coaching Program to provide daily inspiration, strategies and tips to keep you moving. |
"I have learned more about me and what I love to do. I have learned how to take my gifts, skills, talents and abilities and create a business and life that I love. I have learned to be honest and transparent. I have learned how to enjoy the journey and own my decisions." ~S. Mills Special FREE Offer
Released and Ready Audio Series Volume 1 Please note: You'll receive the audio series within 24 hours of sign up.
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